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Laser Components GmbH사 Custom APD Arrays 출시

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 조회 15,691회 작성일 17-02-13 09:53


Custom APD Arrays


APD-arrays are now available from LASER COMPONENTS, enabling new applications in LIDAR and ACC, adaptive cruise control. A typical 12-element array will be presented at Photonics West and a preliminary datasheet is available now. Arrays will be offered on a custom basis with number and dimension of the individual elements tailored to the specific requirements of each application.

Further product information:
APD Arrays

Laser Components DG, Inc.


Contact Person:   Dr. Mike Hodges
Company:   Laser Components GmbH
Address:   Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15
ZIP / City:   82140 Olching
Phone:   +49 (0) 8142 2864-50
Fax:   +49 (0) 8142 2864-11
Email:   m.hodges@lasercomponents.com
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