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Digital Photodiode Sensors

-. Calibration option#
-. Internal storage capacity#
-. Sensor is built into a housing with an M12 outer thread #
-. Digital and analog output#
-. Internal flash memory
Application The MAJOR-A was developed for different target audiences – from laser manufacturers to manufacturers of laser-based processing machines and NIR-based measurement and monitoring technology.

Product Info




 The MAJOR-A is a digital photodiode sensor (DPDS) for integration into conventional structures with a central host.





Digital photodiode sensors are detector elements that, thanks to their integrated electronics, are ready for immediate use. 

An IG22 series extended InGaAs photodiode has been integrated into the so-called E-MAJOR-A. This panchromatic sensor detects radiation in the wavelength range from 450 nm to 2000 nm and barely depends on the temperature. This sensor works reliably in central systems and can read out data accurately; for example, it can be tagged with a time stamp.

(주)유니오텍'| 사업자 등록번호 : 314-86-49551| 대표 : 김진하
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