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5-2000m range finder sensor

-. High accuracy, long ranging
-. IP65 waterproof protection
-. Real time measurement
-. Friendly and versatile interfaces
-. Compactness
-. High reliability
Application -. Positioning sensing
-. Surveillance system
-. Traffic control system
-. Industrial automation
-. Military applications
-. LRF

Product Info

5-2000m range finder sensor A1

A1 is the range finder sensor with high-performance and high measurement frequency, integrated with excellent optics design and high accuracy timer. It can measure up to 20Hz stably, and can give out the real-time distance between range finder and the object.
It is easy to integrate due to its friendly interfaces and compact size. It is ideal for Positioning sensing.

⚫ High accuracy, long ranging
⚫ IP65 waterproof protection
⚫ Real time measurement
⚫ Friendly and versatile interfaces
⚫ Compactness
⚫ High reliability

⚫ Positioning sensing
⚫ Surveillance system
⚫ Traffic control system
⚫ Industrial automation
⚫ Military applications


(주)유니오텍'| 사업자 등록번호 : 314-86-49551| 대표 : 김진하
대전광역시 유성구 테크노4로 17 (관평동 684번지) 대덕비즈센터 B동 313호| 문의 : 042-933-9870
팩스 : 0303-0959-9870| 이메일 : sales@uniotech.kr
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