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(주)유니오텍의 레이저다이오드 제품입니다.


LaserLight SMD , FIBER, BLUE

White Laser Source
Highest luminance
Tiny package
Narrow beams without bulky optics
Power efficient with no drop
Beam shaping for absolute control
Application Lighting
Automotive Light
Bio & Medical

Product Info

Brighter and smaller than any other

The world's first high luminance, fully integrated white laser light emitter enables ultra-long beam distances, narrow beam angles and small optic sizes. The combination of luminance, size, efficacy and lifetime exceeds the capabilities of typical LEDs or HID light sources by more than 100x. For the first time, designers of solid-state applications have access to a unique performance enabler for directional lighting.

Luminance : >1000 Mcd/m2
Beam Angle : <2° from 35mm optic
Life time : >10,000-hours
Size : 7mm SMD
(주)유니오텍'| 사업자 등록번호 : 314-86-49551| 대표 : 김진하
대전광역시 유성구 테크노4로 17 (관평동 684번지) 대덕비즈센터 B동 313호| 문의 : 042-933-9870
팩스 : 0303-0959-9870| 이메일 : sales@uniotech.kr
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